The repercussions of Osama bin Laden’s death aren’t going to disappear overnight, but we felt that it made sense to weigh in on the news sooner rather than later. Therefore, OtherWords is running commentaries about the al-Qaeda mastermind’s demise on our blog this week and we have posted our next cartoon five days early.

Some of these items, including Donald Kaul’s column, are being provided in advance of our regular production schedule. Without shaking up our production schedule, Kaul’s column and the cartoon depicting Osama bin Laden riding an escalator to Hell would only have appeared next Monday, May 9.

Several of these commentaries are too long for newspaper op-ed sections and have previously appeared on the Foreign Policy In Focus or Friends Committee on National Legislation websites. But we wanted to share them with our readers anyway.

Editors, please don’t hesitate to contact us at otherwords[at] if you have any questions or concerns. We’re always happy to hear from you.

Here’s a snapshot of our coverage so far:

  1. A Generation Exhales with Bin Laden’s Death / Laurence Hull
    For young people raised in the shadow of the war on terrorism, the al-Qaeda leader’s death offers a moment of relief, even as the war continues.
  2. Red, White, and Blue Frenzy / Lacy MacAuley and Matias Ramos
    Despite the passion of the White House throngs, Osama bin Laden’s death is no “mission accomplished.”
  3. Take-No-Prisoners War / Michael McCarthy
    We may have Killed the 9-11 mastermind, but the Global War on Terror is still quite alive.
  4. Good Riddance / Donald Kaul
    The 9-11 attacks assaulted our self-confidence and delivered a blow to our sense of well being from which we have yet to recover, a decade later.
  5. Osama’s Descent / Khalil Bendib
    Osama bin Laden cartoon that would accompany any of the OtherWords commentaries on this topic.
  6. Justice, Vengeance, and Osama Bin Laden / Phyllis Bennis
    This could have been a moment to replace vengeance with cooperation, replace war with justice.
  7. Why I Can’t Celebrate Osama Bin Laden’s Death / Jonathan Evans
    War isn’t, and never has been, the answer to terrorism.
  8. Playing into Osama Bin Laden’s Hands / John Feffer
    His greatest magic trick was to persuade the United States and its allies to expend enormous sums of money to fight a small, isolated, and anachronistic force that operated on the very margins of the Muslim world.

Obama's Descent

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    (Note: Images credited to Getty or Shutterstock are not covered by our Creative Commons license. Please license these separately if you wish to use them.)