This week’s OtherWords editorial package tackles several challenging food issues. Jim Hightower explains why he’s worried about a new kind of corn in a short column accompanied by Khalil Bendib’s cartoon. Three op-eds address New York City’s proposed soda ban, mad cow disease, and federally funded programs that feed kids in need during the long summer break. And Donald Kaul responds to readers who reject his personal take on a vegan diet. Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. Behind Super-Sized Sodas, a Deeper Danger / Sam Pizzigati
    If we really want to narrow our waistbands, we have to narrow the income gaps that divide us.
  2. The United Nations is Failing Syria / Frank Jannuzi
    Now is the time for the world’s leaders to show support for human rights in practice, not just words.
  3. Not Only the Cows Are Mad / John Stauber
    Our government must stop relying on an inadequate testing system and outlaw the feeding of cow blood, fat, and protein to cattle.
  4. Summertime Hunger Spike / Marian Wright Edelman
    There simply aren’t enough programs available to serve all the children who need them.
  5. Bitter Broccoli / Donald Kaul
    Life without funny is too great a price to pay for good health.
  6. Mother Nature Doesn’t Quit / Jim Hightower
    So much of Monsanto’s poison was spread in the past decade that weeds naturally developed a resistance to it.
  7. Send in the Drones / William A. Collins
    Running the world is a lot of work.
  8. Killing Fields / Khalil Bendib
Killing Fields, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

Killing Fields, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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