As is generally the case, just about all our latest letters to the editor came in response to Donald Kaul’s OtherWords columns. “I loved Donald Kaul’s article in today’s Wilmington (NC) Star-News about Rep. Joe Barton’s moment of honesty.’ I wish Mr. Kaul would now consider writing another article suggesting that the right-wing element of the Republican/Tea Party would migrate to Texas and that Texas would then get its wish to secede from the Union. We would all be better off,” wrote David Scott of Lake Waccamaw, NC.

Kaul’s tongue-in-cheek God’s to Blame Too column, in which he called on Americans to stop blaming everything on government, continues to either fascinate or irritate religious readers who apparently don’t appreciate his sarcasm. “Mr. Kaul simply represents that portion of the populace who have been unfortunate in their interactions with the Creator,” wrote Gerald P. Illies in his letter to the Bemidji (MN) Pioneer.

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