The bulk of GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s senior staff abandoned him this week. “The professional team came to the realization that the direction of the campaign they sought and Gingrich’s vision for the campaign were incompatible,” said senior strategist Dave Carney.

Along with campaign manager Rob Johnson, Carney, already seemed weary of – and hardly loyal to – the former House Speaker. The two were also advising Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican who is reportedly weighing a presidential bid of his own. Sonny Perdue, a former Georgia governor and Gingrich’s national campaign co-chairman, has also checked out, and signed on to Tim Pawlenty’s campaign.

This debacle highlights why OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower has called Gingrich “the political gift that keeps giving.”

It also underscores Donald Kaul’s characterization of Gingrich. “Not only does he have enemies, his friends hate him,” Kaul said in his latest OtherWords column.

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