This week, OtherWords columnist Donald Kaul and New Priorities Network coordinator Mike Prokosch make the case for deep military spending cuts and Tiffany Williams reality-checks “The Help.” On our blog, Lacy MacAuley explains why the Occupy movement “has the potential to change everything.” Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. Those Bad Old Days Are Still with Us / Tiffany Williams
    “The Help” is drawing attention to today’s domestic workers.
  2. Fracking Perils / Daphne Wysham
    The ongoing bonanza in the U.S. hydraulic fracturing industry marks a dangerous misstep on the road to U.S. energy independence.
  3. Distorting Civil Rights History / Marc Morial
    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has insulted the generations of men and women who put their lives on the line for equal rights.
  4. Playing with Fire / Mike Prokosch
    Instead of firing teachers, closing libraries and senior centers, and cutting bus routes, let’s put the Pentagon on a diet.
  5. Profiting from the Pentagon / Donald Kaul
    A two-war strategy is like a two-car garage — you’ll own two cars sooner or later.
  6. Save the Babies / Jim Hightower
    GOP lawmakers are howling to overturn the EPA’s mercury regulations.
  7. Whistle-Blowing Takes Guts / William A. Collins
    Bringing war crimes, diplomatic treachery, and animal abuse to light is dangerous.
  8. Planned Parenthood / Khalil Bendib
Planned Parenthood, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib.

Planned Parenthood, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib.

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