In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, Jim Cason explains what’s wrong with the unmanned drones the United States is deploying in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Saul Landau turns around an old adage by saying that today, what’s good for GM is good for China. Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. A Lousy New Year for Workers / Saul Landau
  2. A Climate-Friendly Farm Bill / Julia Olmstead
  3. A Nation of Laws? / Jim Cason
  4. Standing Up for Farmers’ Markets / Andrew Gunther
  5. Perfect: The Enemy of the Happy / Donald Kaul
  6. The Glory of War / Jim Hightower
  7. America’s Expendable Workers / William A. Collins
  8. Unmanned Drones / Khalil Bendib
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